Meet Daniel Sparrfeldt, Subaru Winter Experience Chef

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We take pride in being the only winter driving school of our kind in the United States, but the truth is that the full Subaru Winter Experience doesn’t just consist of what you do on the ice. Fine dining is a big part of what makes our program so unique, and we’re fortunate to have world-renowned chef Daniel Sparrfeldt on hand every year to prepare amazing dishes for all of our guests. After all, what better way is there to finish a fun day of driving than with a delicious meal?
While preparing the menu for this year’s Subaru Winter Experience, Daniel took some time out of his day to tell us about his background, as well as what this year’s guests can expect when they get to Eagle River:

How long have you been a chef and where else have you worked in your career?
I’ve been a chef for about 25 years now, and I’ve worked in a lot of different restaurants in Sweden and Norway. I spent some years as head chef on a cargo ship in the beginning of my career, then I worked in many high-end restaurants in Gothenburg and Oslo before I moved to Stockholm in 2003. I’ve been competing in food competitions for many years and have won a gold medal in Culinary Olympics and an overall win in the World Cup.
How did you become a part of the Subaru Winter Experience family?
I became a part of the Subaru Winter Experience family mostly because I had a friend in common with Patrik and Linnea. She recommended me and it was “love at first sight!” I really love to work with the family, and we have a lot of fun.

What’s your favorite dish to serve for the guests at Subaru Winter Experience?
The double baked chocolate cake is definitely a favorite to serve! It was a part of the World Cup-winning menu, and it’s really nice to share it with our guests.
Are you planning on introducing anything new to the menu for Subaru Winter Experience 2020?
The menu for Subaru Winter Experience is unique every year, and I always try to put in some specials for every meal. 2020 is going to be a year with more veggies than before.

When you’re not at Subaru Winter Experience, where can our participants find you?
When I’m not in Eagle River, I work as the Executive Chef at Stora Skuggans Wärdshus in Stockholm. We work organic and sustainable and are fortunate to have a lot of our ingredients, such as lamb, deer, sea buckthorn, argonia, just outside our door.
Feel free to follow me at Instagram at @sparrfeldt and @storaskuggans, or if you want on Facebook at Daniel Sparrfeldt.
BOOK NOW: One-Day | Two-Day | Two-Day Advanced | Three-Day Advanced